


How both of our
societies connect together.

In our story as an active student assocation, we, the Bucharest Dental Students’ Association team, have occupied different position in the Board of EDSA.


Held Positions

2009 - 2010

General Secretary
2008 - 2009

Partnership Officer
2007 - 2008


Current Status

How has EDSA influenced your career path?

EDSA opened my horizon from so many perspectives. Working with my EDSA colleagues and friends I was able to leverage my strengths and overcome so many challenges. Leading by service - not title, was one of the key skills I developed during my tenure at EDSA. I will always be grateful for the individuals I met through EDSA that shaped my career path and inspired me to give back to the profession by mentoring others. Looking back now (10 years +), I realize that the more you give back, the more you want to be involved, as it is so
rewarding seeing others grow!

Why would you recommend dental students to attend the 2024 EDSA Meeting?

EDSA will change your life! It will be the beginning of a personal growth and development journey that you can not experience in any classroom, preclinical lab or clinical setting. It will inspire you to see dentistry through different lenses – a member of your professional family.


Held Positions

Magazine Editor
2010 - 2011

General Secretary
2011 - 2012


Current Status

» Co-Founder of Dexellence, official dealer of high-end dental equipment brands in Romania.

» Co-Founder of Dexellence Clinic.

» Prosthodontics Specialist, PhD.

How has EDSA influenced your career path?

Through EDSA I met most of the people I collaborate with now (from dental companies and dental associations representatives, to Romanian and international dentists. Also, it introduced me to the various paths one can take in the field of dentistry, such as volunteer work, administration, events planning and politics.

Why would you recommend dental students to attend the 2024 EDSA Meeting?

It is a unique chance to expand their dental horizon, meet people who can be their future collaborators, get involved in international dental projects and, generally, have an unforgettable week


Held Positions

Honorary Lifetime Member
since 2021

VP of Internal Affairs

EVP Officer

Official EDSA Romanian Delegate


Current Status

» (R2) 2nd Year Oral Surgery Master Degree Student.

How has EDSA influenced your career path?

I had the honor of getting in touch with EDSA during my first university year at the 58th EDSA Barcelona Meeting in 2016, back then I honestly did not know how much this moment would have an impact in both my personal and professional life. First I started as a participant during the annual meetings, later on as I wanted to know more and getting more involved I eventually ended up being part of the Executive. My goal while being part of the executive was to help all dental students around Europe by bringing all the member countries together allowing us to share our knowledge in order to make a difference on a larger scale. I would never have imagined how much being part of the Executive would influence me, the way I learned to work and develop projects, the networking ability by relating to other cultures and the long-lasting friendships and memories that I still cherish today are all things I learned and developed throughout my EDSA years.I believe that everyone in their present status is the sum of all the choices done throughout this journey we call life and I can proudly say that one of the best choices for me was being part of EDSA.

Why would you recommend dental students to attend the 2024 EDSA Meeting?

Bucharest is a unique city with a distinct culture and tradition where the old and the new merge to create a completely new vibe. No matter where you are from this city will amaze you and generate new memories that you will cherish forever.The LOC has been planning everything perfectly to the last detail, I am sure it will be a unique and amazing experience for every participant.I can say that it is true that one EDSA meeting can change your life.


Held Positions

EVP Officer

Vice President
2015 - 2016


Current Status

» Orthodontist – Private Practice, Plano TX.

» Board of Directors – Texas Association of Orthodontists (TAO).

How has EDSA influenced your career path?

EDSA expanded my network and allowed me to see the world of dentistry at its finest. It gave me lifelong friends, connected me with internationally renowned speakers (and made me want to be one of them one day), developed my leadership and communication skills (and definitely my English ^_^). Being among such a talented group of people, I was able to learn from them, but also share my knowledge. I have to admit that part of the reason I was able to get in and complete my residency training at one of the highest rated Universities in the world is because I was lucky enough to be part of the EDSA family. I will always be grateful for the friendship, mentorship and guidance that this association offered me.

Why would you recommend dental students to attend the 2024 EDSA Meeting?

First of all, networking and friendship. You get to meet amazing people with various backgrounds and spend one week together in the superb city of Bucharest. You will get to experience one of the tastiest cuisines in the world (not biased at all haha), party as only Romanians do, and explore the beautiful architecture of the city.

Secondly, the meeting agenda and the brilliant speakers that you are about to meet! To me, seeing those amazing clinicians on the podium, made me change my perspective of what dentistry is, and constantly motivated me to be better.

And finally...why not? These past couple of years put too much pressure on our lifestyles, learning opportunities and experiences, and being able to finally get out of your shell and meet new people is great. I am sure you are going to love Bucharest as much as I did during my 6 year stay as a dental student at Carol Davila University.


Held Positions

EVP Officer

Vice President


Immediat Past Presiden


Current Status

» Co-Founder of Dexellence Clinic

» Periodontist

How has EDSA influenced your career path?

EDSA opend my eyes to so many ways of improving my career. Just like dental school created my dental skills, EDSA created my people and diplomacy skills, which all together lead to what I am doing today: managing a private practice with a team of 25 dentists and additional personnel, as well as practicing myself periodontology. I am forever grateful of the value EDSA added to my formation.

Why would you recommend dental students to attend the 2024 EDSA Meeting?

My first EDSA Meeting was the 2010 Meeting in Bucharest. It made me fall in love with the association and it has a very special place in my heart. I was very glad to hear the news about EDSA returnig to my home city. Bucharest in an exciting and fun city with lost of intresting sightseeing places and amazing nightlife just perfect for the famous EDSA parties. Also, I know how enthusiastic the local organizing comittee is and how hard they are working to make it a life-changing experince for all dental students attending. Just make sure you don't miss out on the best dental students' event of the year! See you all in Bucharest!

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