
Research Competition

Embark on a
Scientific Journey.

During your stay in Bucharest you have the amazing opportunity to participate in the Research Competition, thus coming forward with ideas and innovations in your field of interest in the Dentistry world.

Understand the Proccess

Discover the Structure

We’ve prepared for you a standard guide to follow while writing your abstract for the Lecture Competition. Down bellow you can find a universal structure for such documents, from which you can build your own creation. Don’t forget that anyone fascinated about science is invited to participate. We are more than excited to see you join the competition and come to our meeting as an active participant in either of the accepted sections: Case Reports & Research.

Abstract Size

Your abstract must fit within the maximum limit of 300 words. Don’t forget to take in account this limitation while writing your entry. We know that it can be difficult to express all your creative ideas in such a small number of words, but, most of the times, delivering ideas in more clearer and shorter sentences can aid in creating the best outcome.

Authors & Qualifications

Don’t forget to mention the authors and co-authors of your paper, which can be a maximum of 5. It’s also very important to add everyone qualifications and academic status. To make this requirement more clearly, take a look at the example bellow:

» John Doe, Assoc. Prof. PhD, MD, MsC

Abstract Sections

In the scientific world, writing your abstract usually needs to follow the universal IMRaD structure, already a norm in all fields. To be considered valid, your abstract should be structured in accordance to this formula, thus containing the following sections: Introduction, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions, Conclusion and Key-words (3-5).

Time Limitation

Lastly, depending on the type or article that you are writing, you need to limit your presentation to the following durations:

» Case Report: 3 minutes to deliver your ideas

» Research: 6 minutes to present your finding

We know that it can sound very limiting, but try to resume your speech only to what matters the most in your scientific work.

The Jury

Meet the Experts

Get to know the distinguished experts who will serve as jurors for the lecture competition at the 73rd EDSA Meeting in Bucharest. Our esteemed panel brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to evaluate presentations and recognize excellence. Learn more about our jurors below and discover the faces behind the judging process.

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About their Work

Dr. Andreea Didilescu is a Professor and the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania. In 2014, she completed her Habilitation in Dental Medicine at the same University. She holds a Certificate of completion in one-year Global Clinical Scholars Research Training Program (Harvard Medical School, USA), PhD in Medicine (University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, Romania), MPhil in Oral Microbiology (University of Bergen, Norway), MSc in Endodontics (Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy), being consultant in General Dentistry. 

In 2023, she was awarded with a Fulbright scholarship in research at the Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, USA. Her current research interests are focused on dentin-pulp complex biology, oral microbiology, biomaterials, and salivary research.

Profile on; ORCID; Hirsch index: 22 (Scopus).

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About their Work

Following the graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry (2003) and Faculty of Medicine (2006), dr. Nicolescu specialized in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2009), got a PhD in Medicine (2012) and a MSc in Dental Regenerative Medicine (as valedictorian in King’s College London, 2015). Currently, he is the Chair of the Histology Division at the Faculty of Dentistry (“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest) and Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences (King’s College London).

He brought a series of outstanding contributions to the academic field, as a scientific researcher at “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology. Dr. Nicolescu is also active in other fields, such as coffee (Winner of Comandante Cup 2019, and current Romanian Ibrik vice-champion), public speaking (Audience Award Winner at FameLab International Final 2018) and boardgames (double “Carcassonne” national champion and 10th in the World in 2017). 

He is a member of several organizations and associations including Fellowship at Royal Microscopical Society, organizer of the first Bucharest “stuDENT” Congress and founding member at Romanian Surgical Students’ Society (RSSS).

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About their Work

Dr. Mariana Cărămidă graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Bucharest, obtaining the title of specialist Periodontologist in 2015. Since her residency, she joined the Department of Oral Health and Community Dentistry within the Faculty of Dental Medicine, U.M.F. “Carol Davila”, currently being a University Assistant.

Dr. Mariana Carămidă is a member of numerous prestigious associations in this field, such as: the Romanian Society of Periodontology, the European Federation of Periodontology, the European Association of Public Oral Health and the Romanian Society of Aesthetic Dentistry.

Lecture Competition Registration

Commonly Encountered Errors

During the registration process for the 73rd EDSA Meeting you might encounter one of the following errors in the Lecture Competition Form. If this happens, make sure to read the following situations to be able to quickly resolve all encountered errors. If you still have problems with submitting your form, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail at, or directly message us on our Instagram page.

Empty Field

All required fields are marked with a red star (*). If one of the field in the Application Form was left empty, the website won't be able to process the submission. Please make sure to fill all fields in the form to be able to successfully register to the 73rd EDSA Meeting.

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While creating the website, we made sure to follow all web safety measure to allow for participants to safely enter their personal data and avoid any data leaks. In order for us to prevent any website spam entries, following common web protocols, we created a system that prevents users from sending multiple entries from the same IP Address. If you encounter this error, try submitting your entry in one of these two ways:

» Enter Incognito Mode in your browser and resubmit the application

» Refresh the page after waiting for 10 to 15 minutes and resubmit the application

The Research Competition application form is opened automatically on the 12th of February, 2024 and closed on the 5th of April 2024. Please be aware of those dates before submitting your application, as no late submissions will be accepted

The registration form for the Research Competition will open automatically on the 12th of February, 2024, at 09:00 PM GMT +2 (Bucharest's Winter Time) and will be closed on the 5th of April, 2024, at 09:00 PM GMT +2 (Bucharest's Winter Time). Thank you all for your patience and work towards advancing the scientific scene of our meeting.

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